Knowledgebase: Cpanel Control Panel > E-Mail
Why can I receive email but CANNOT Send?
Posted by Administrator on 24 December 2009 10:48 PM
People can receive email but not send
We are seeing this on a daily basis from our customers. People who could send email yesterday can't send it today. ISPs are blocking third party mail servers to prevent spam through their network. You can confirm by calling up your ISP and ask them if they are blocking third party SMTP port 25.

There are two workarounds:

1. You can change the outgoing (SMTP) port to 26 to bypass ISP filtering
2. You can use your ISP SMTP mail server setting (ie, etc)
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Comments (2)
17 February 2010 10:40 AM
This did not apply to my case. What I had to do was to turn SSL off in order to get email go out, because the error message was "The server does not support a SSL connection."

This makes the email setup instruction contradicting as it says to check the SSL option for outgoing email (port 25).
24 February 2010 02:05 AM
Use outgoing SMTP port for SSL as 465 instead of 25.
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