Knowledgebase: General
How to clear DNS cache
Posted by - NA - on 14 March 2010 05:18 PM

If you have any issues like, domain is not resolving properly and giving the errors " Server not found" or giving the wrong site, then try clearing your DNS cache. Please refer the steps below to clear the dns cache in your computer.

To flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows

1. Go to  Start -> Run -> type cmd and press enter.

2. type  ipconfig /flushdns

To flush the DNS cache in Linux, restart the nscd daemon:-

To restart the nscd daemon, type /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart in your terminal

To flush the DNS cache in Mac OS X Leopard:-

1.  type lookupd -flushcache in your terminal to flush the DNS resolver cache.

To flush the DNS cache in Mac OS X:-

1. Run  dscacheutil -flushcache in your terminal to flush the DNS resolver cache.

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