Knowledgebase: Cpanel Control Panel > E-Mail
Delayed Emails
Posted by Administrator on 24 December 2009 10:48 PM
Why does some emails get delivered quickly while others take up to 4 days to receive?
This could be due to mail quota issue.

Login to Cpanel -> Mail -> Add/Remove/Manage Accounts -> Show Disk Space Used

The default is 10 megs.

Here is a scenario:

1. Sender sends email to with attachment of 1 megabytes
2. Mail quota for is 9.5 megs out of 10 megs
3. Mail does not get delivered because it will go over mail quota but it's kept in queue for up to 4 days
4. 3 days later, the mail quota is 8.9 megs out of 10 and mail gets delivered

If the mail is small (less than 300k) then the mail gets delivered instantly.
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