How to Upload your Website Using Microsoft Publisher 2003
Posted by Administrator on 24 December 2009 10:48 PM
How to publish your pages using Microsoft Publisher 2003 New Page 1

To upload your web site using Publisher 2003 simply follow these steps. It should be noted that if you're using Publisher's default settings to upload your site, the server will require FrontPage extensions be installed on your account. To enable Frontpage extensions, login to Cpanel and click Frontpage Extensions then Install Extensions.

Make sure your home page is named index.htm

  1. Open your web site in Pubisher.
  2. From the File menu, select Web Site Properties.
  3. In the Web Site Properties window, make sure your Home page file name is "index" and the File name extension is "htm". Click OK
Save the web site to a folder on your hard drive
  1. From the File menu, select Publish Web Site to Folder. This will put your entire web site in a the folder of your choice on your hard drive in a format called HTML which is used for web sites.
  2. Select or create a folder to save your web site into. We strongly suggest using a new or empty folder that you can find later when you need to upload to the server.
  3. Click OK to begin saving your web site to that folder.
Uploading your site to the server

Suggested settings before uploading

Prior to uploading your site, we have a few suggested settings that you may wish to impliment

  1. Go to Options in the Tools menu and click on the Web tab.
  2. Uncheck Rely on VML.
  3. Uncheck Allown PNG.
  4. Uncheck all boxes under Encoding and E-mail.
  5. Check the Organize... box.
  6. Check the Enable... option.
  7. Click OK.

Publishing your site

  1. Go to Publish to the Web... in the file menu.
  2. If you see a dialog box stating that you need a web host, ignore it and click OK.
  3. Click the drop down list arrow in the Save in: box.
  4. At the very bottom of the list you'll see Add/Modify FTP locationgs. (next time you publish you can skip this part). In the dialog box that opens up add the following information which is case sensative.
    • Name of FTP site is your domain name, or if you don't have one registered yet, then use the IP address that was provided in your welcome letter when you signed up for hosting
      Usually this will look like for example
    • Enter the Subfolder containing your Web pages as "public_html" (without the quotes)
    • Log in as: check User and is your user name which was provided in your welcome letter. (case sensitive)
    • In the Password box type in your password. (case sensitive)
    • Click the Add button which will add your new setting to the FTP Sites: list box.
    • Click OK and you will be returned to the Publish dialog box.
  5. Click on your URL than then click Open button. the file name should be index.html or index.htm and the Save as type: should be Web Page, Filtered (which are the defaults).
  6. Publisher will now connect to the web server and show a list of files on the server. Do not change any file or folder that you're not familiar with and didn't create yourself (or bad things will probably happen).
  7. Click the Save button. Publisher begins generating html web page files and images and uploads them to the server.
  8. All done.
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