Knowledgebase: Cpanel Control Panel > E-Mail
Difference between actual email account and forwarders
Posted by Administrator on 24 December 2009 10:48 PM
What email do I setup? Why do I get 2 copies of emails when I have an email account setup and a fowarder?
Here are a few difference setups you can use.

1. Actual email account.
- full email account.
- you can send/receive.

2. Forwarder only.
- purely a forwarder.
- you will only receive cannot send since the account does not exist.

3. Actual email account + forwarder
- full email account.
- forwards all emails.
- you can send/recieve.
- will store 1 copy of the email in the account.
- will forward 1 copy of the email.
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